The Old Standby: Peanut Butter

Prisoners in Alabama have shown, yet again, the importance of having peanut butter within reach.

Inmates in Walker County Jail saved peanut butter from their sandwiches and used it like modeling clay to alter the number above a door that led outside their building.  They tricked a rookie guard taking a prisoner back to his cell into thinking the door was his cell.  The prisoner thanked the guard, stepped outside, and waited a few moments before opening it for his friends.  A dozen inmates walked right out of the facility, climbed over a razor-wire fence (a couple cut their hands), and presumably got something a little better than peanut butter for dinner on Sunday night.  But … alas. … they’d all been recaptured within 48 hours,

The Sheriff said their scheme “may sound crazy, but these people are crazy like a fox.”

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